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James Williamson

Club President

James is married to Adoria. He and his wife have 3 adult children and 2 grandkids, aged 17 and 6 years old. James & Adoria have been RVing for 3 years. It started as an inexpensive way to travel with a few friends while making new memories exploring the greater USA during COVID-19. James is experimenting with retirement, a former Global Vice President of Finance for a big pharma company and Adoria is preparing to retire, currently working in cyber security consulting for the government.  Both enjoy biking and have plans to learn to golf. One of their favorite RV memories was on a planned trip to Washington where the 45 ft 50-thousand-pound RV was driven onto a barge and crossed the Columbia River with full views of several bald eagle nests.

Yolanda Tyler

Club VP

Yolanda and her husband Tee have been married 43 years. They met while both were serving in the U.S. Navy. They have a daughter named Tia. They began RVing 11 years ago after deciding to retire and leave the corporate. Yolanda enjoys traveling, whether it be by RV, plane, boat or car. She enjoys spending time at her local gym, line dancing, reading, and cuddling with her 3 Paraguayan cats. The Tyler’s love, love, love National Parks and look forward to visiting more while making memories on their RV journeys. Yolanda and her husband enjoy the camaraderie of being Cruisers and what she considers to be awesome campouts.  She feels that being members of NAARVA has brought wonderful people into their lives. She always looks forward to being with her Cruisers Family.



Marc Saunders

Marc and his wife, Bridget, have 3 adult children and 9 grandkids ranging in age from 26 to 7 years old. They have been RVing together for over 3 decades. It started for them as an economical way to have all of their children together while traveling, following them around the country as they participated on travel sports teams and it blossomed from there. Marc is retired and portrait photography has become a passion. He’s RVed across the country and back a half dozen times with Bridget, most recently in a 7-rig convoy with several other Cruisers couples. Marc says his favorite stop was in Maine, when they boondocked with his best friend on a former co-worker’s 55 acre lot.


Asst. Secretary

Beth Gill

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Adoria Williamson



Kevin Goran

Asst. Treasurer

Kevin, our Assistant Treasurer, is married to Rochelle. They have two adult children and a grandson. Kevin & Rochelle are new to RVing, having purchased their first RV in 2022 and taking a cross country trip, along with his best bud, all the way to Maine and back.  

Kevin is retired from public service and enjoys reading and spending time with his family and friends. The Gorans took another cross country this year along with a total of 7 RV’s caravanning through over 29 states, DC and Canada.

His favorite destinations both years were The Ark Experience in Georgetown, Kentucky and visiting with his grandson in Georgia.

© 2025  CA Cruisers RV Club

Proudly chartered through the National African American RVer's Association 


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